| Оригинальное название: Looney Tunes: Back in Action | Год выпуска: 2003 | Жанр: комедия, приключе | Хронометраж: 90 мин | Бюджет: 80 млн($) | Производство: Warner Bros. Pictures Co., Baltimore Spring Creek Productions, Lonely Film Productions GmbH & Co. KG., Goldmann Pictures | Сайт фильма: http://looneytunesbackinaction.warnerbros.com/index_flash.html | Страна: Германия, США | Режиссер: Джо Данте / Joe Dante | Актеры: - Стив Мартин / Steve Martin ... Mr. Chairman - Брендан Фрейзер / Brendan Fraser ... DJ Drake - Джоан Кьюсак / Joan Cusack ... Mother - Тимоти Далтон / Timothy Dalton ... Damien Drake - Хэзер Локлир / Heather Locklear ... Dusty Tails - Дженна Элфмэн / Jenna Elfman ... Kate - Билл Голдберг / Bill Goldberg ... Mr. Smith - Дик Миллер / Dick Miller ... Security Guard - Рон Перлман / Ron Perlman ... Acme VP Never Learning - Фрэнк Уэлкер / Frank Welker ... Scooby-Doo - Боб Берген / Bob Bergen ... Porky Pig - Кэйси Касэм / Casey Kasem ... Shaggy - Роберт Париги / Robert Parigi ... Robby the Robot - Джо Аляски / Joe Alaskey ... Bugs Bunny | Daffy Duck | Sylvester - Билли Уэст / Billy West ... Elmer Fudd | Peter Lorre |
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«The biggest animated adventure ever to hit real life»
Анимационные герои: Багс Банни и Даффи Дак — в реальной жизни! Поиски пропавшего человека и огромного мифического алмаза приводят Багса и Даффи сначала в Лас-Вегас, а затем в непроходимые джунгли Африки…
Памятные цитаты:
Bugs Bunny: Eh, what gives, doc? We made thirty-five pictures togetha'.
Elmer Fudd: Well, as it turns out, I'm secwetwy evil.
Daffy Duck: That's showbiz for ya!
Elmer Fudd: Now, make with da the card; so I can pwease my dark masters!
[as the spy car plummets to earth, Daffy calls his stockbroker on his cellphone]
Daffy Duck: Sell all my Warner Brothers stock! I got an inside tip that Bugs Bunny's about to die!
Mr. Chairman: [to Kate] I've seen the way you look at me - I know I'm hot.
Kate Houghton: Ugh!
Mr. Chairman: There is a DUCK in the middle of the picture. Remove the DUCK.
Daffy Duck: That's not boxing. Bite his ear.
Beaky Buzzard: That's right, I'm a vicious bird of prey.
Bugs Bunny: Daff never misses a cue.
[after hearing the name "Blue Monkey."]
Mother: How do you know about that thing that I've never heard of in my entire life?
DJ Drake: My dad told me.
Mother: Oh, what is the point of making them pinky swear?
DJ Drake: [to Kate] You.
Kate Houghton: [to DJ] You.
Daffy Duck: [to Bugs] You.
Bugs Bunny: [about DJ] Him.
Daffy Duck: [about Kate] Her.
Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck: Them.
Bugs Bunny: Gee, it was really nice of Wal-Mart to give us all this free Wal-Mart stuff just for saying "Wal-Mart" so many times.
Bugs Bunny: Oh, I hate to see a grown man cry... especially when it's a girl.
Daffy Duck: Smell that, DJ? That's the sweet aroma of money, glamour, and busload upon busload of senior citizens.
DJ Drake: Cool it, duck. This could be dangerous.
Daffy Duck: Right, we find Dusty Tails, save your dad, get the diamond, apply kung-fu liberally as needed.
Mr. Chairman: My God, man, what am I going to do with you? You've done nothing but screw up. You've walked off of mesas, been smashed by boulders, and run over by diesel trucks. And don't blame the equipment. The equipment is good. It's Acme equipment. You're a coyote. Be wily.
Mother: So, what were we discussing? Is this about those giant ants?
Kate Houghton: Giant ants?
Mother: Because they aren't really ants... anymore.
Daffy Duck: Why, D.J.? Why you? Why wasn't it me? - Just academic curiosity, you understand.
Porky Pig: [just before the end credits, Porky tries to say "That's all Folks!" but doesn't quite get there] Go home, folks.