| Оригинальное название: Did You Hear About the Morgans? | Год выпуска: 2009 | Жанр: комедия, мелодрам | Хронометраж: 103 мин | Бюджет: 58 млн($) | Производство: Columbia Pictures, Castle Rock Entertainment, Relativity Media | Сайт фильма: http://didyouhearaboutthemorgans.com/ | Страна: CША | Режиссер: Марк Лоуренс / Marc Lawrence | Актеры: - Сара Джессика Паркер / Sarah Jessica Parker... Meryl Morgan - Хью Грант / Hugh Grant... Paul Morgan - Наталия Климас / Natalia Klimas... Monique Rabelais - Винченцо Амато / Vincenzo Amato... Girard Rabelais - Джесси Либман / Jesse Liebman... Adam Feller - Элизабет Мосс / Elisabeth Moss... Jackie Drake - Майкл Келли / Michael Kelly... Vincent - Сет Гиллиам / Seth Gilliam... U.S. Marshal Lasky - Шарон Уилкинс / Sharon Wilkins... U.S. Marshal King - Сэм Эллиотт / Sam Elliott... Clay Wheeler - Мэри Стинберген / Mary Steenburgen... Emma Wheeler - Ким Шоу / Kim Shaw... Nurse Kelly - Дэна Айви / Dana Ivey... Trish Pinger - Уилфорд Бримли / Wilford Brimley... Earl Granger |
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«We're not in Manhattan anymore.»
Морганы — типичная современная Нью-Йоркская чета с Манхеттена. Они богаты, успешны, циничны, избалованы комфортом большого города и ещё… они на грани развода. Как нельзя более вовремя они становятся случайными очевидцами убийства и теперь вынуждены уехать в небольшой провинциальный городок, по программе защиты свидетелей. Но вместе с потерей привычных городских прелестей жизни они вновь обретают интерес друг к другу…
Did You Hear About The Terrible Movie I'm About To Talk Of? Sarah Jessica Parker was not bad at all in the film. But the film itself---- garbage. For one thing, the story never continued about their witness protection program! They had to include more about it, like the murderer tries to find and hunt them down, not just CUT the whole story and move onto building the relationship between Paul and Meryl! The bear scene was just ridiculous, that WAS Sarah Jessica Parker's worst voice and acting. At the beginning of the movie, I was a little impressed by the story. But- when they move out of Manhattan, the story just moves onto a whole other one. That's when it became a bag of clichés and boring dejavu clips. Come on people, this is just another romance film which is the usual story: trying to get back together, some funny scenes in the movie, and at the end you cry because the main characters got back together. I please advise you not to see this movie... Although if you love Sarah Jessica Parker and her acting, this could be a good movie for it. But the film itself, as I said--------- garbage. 3/10 Автор рецензии: magic-tone from AustraliaАфиша |