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Новости кино: Cиллиан Мёрфи - детектив, за которым следят

Режиссёр Пол Сотер, входящий в известную комедийную труппу "Broken Lizard", заманил Cиллиана Мёрфи ("Бэтмен: начало", "Ночной рейс", "28 дней спустя") к себе офис, где его уже ожидала Люси Лиу – обоих он хотел бы задействовать в романтической комедии "Слежка за детективами" (Watching the Detectives), только вот, о чём она, Сотер так и не сказал, хотя съёмки стартуют в Нью-Йорке уже 10 июля

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 Бокс-офис (в млн. $)
01.01.2010 - 03.01.2010
Шерлок Холмс 36,6
Элвин и бурундуки 2 35,1
Простые сложности18,8
Невидимая сторона11,9
Мне бы в небо10,7
Принцесса и лягушка9,8
Супруги Морган в бегах4,9


|0-9|А| Б| В| Г| Д| Е| Ж| З| И| Й| К| Л| М| Н| О| П| Р| С| Т| У| Ф| Ч| Ц| Ч| Ш| Щ| Э| Ю| Я|

 Голая правда

Оригинальное название: Ugly Truth, The
Год выпуска: 2009
Жанр: комедия
Хронометраж: 101 мин
Бюджет: 38 млн($)
Производство: Relativity Media, Lakeshore Entertainment, Sony / Columbia
Сайт фильма: http://www.pravda-film.ru/
Страна: CША
Режиссер: Роберт Лукетич / Robert Luketic
Джерард Батлер / Gerard Butler ... Mike
- Кэтрин Хайгл / Katherine Heigl ... Abby
- Эрик Винтер / Eric Winter ... Colin
- Бри Тернер / Bree Turner ... Joy
- Джон Майкл Хиггинс / John Michael Higgins ... Larry
- ?вет Николь Браун / Yvette Nicole Brown ... Dori
- Бонни Соммервиль / Bonnie Somerville ... Elizabeth
- Натан Кордри / Nathan Corddry ... Josh
- Аллен Мальдонадо / Allen Maldonado ... Duane
- Дэн Каллахан / Dan Callahan ... Rick
- Ариэль Ванденберг / Arielle Vandenberg ... Candi
- Адам Харингтон / Adam Harrington ... Jack Magnum
- Викки Льюис / Vicki Lewis ... Saleswoman
- Райан Сюрратт / Ryan Surratt ... Bartender

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«Мужские ценности против Женских идеалов»

Она — успешный телепродюсер со строгими моральными принципами и сексуальная блондинка. Он восходящая звезда нового телешоу и его жизненное кредо — «секс, наркотики и рок-н-ролл», он совсем не признает равенство полов, политкорректность и так далее… В общем настоящий мачо. Вы думаете, у них может что-то получится?

Голосов: 6
Ваша оценка: 


An enjoyable, humorous film

The minute I saw the trailer for this film I knew the ending, but then again after watching any trailer for a chick flick, you usually know what's going to happen. This was the same with another summer release this year, The Proposal. It wouldn't be a chick flick without the happily ever after of the two lead characters getting together. However, many chick flicks are still made and many people, both men and women still go see them. The outcome is always the same, it's the getting to it which makes the films different and this film is different.

This movie starts with a television producer, Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl), a control freak who finds it extremely hard to find love; it has been eleven months since she has had sex to be exact. After a dreadful date, she comes home to the company of her cat that accidentally steps on the remote and turns on a show called The Ugly Truth. It is presented by a man, Mike Chadway (Gerard Butler), who tells people how it really is and his topic is sex and how men think. Abby, who is absolutely disgusted by his opinions and what he is saying, phones in and has an argument with him live on air. The next morning, she finds out that she has to work with him (typical!). At the beginning, she hates everything about him, until she realises he can help her get the man of her dreams. This man just happens to be living opposite her. He is good looking, intelligent (he's a doctor) and just so happens to have saved her from falling out of a tree. They go on a series of dates and her actions are all lead by Mike who is telling her exactly what men want. However, whilst doing this, he realises he is falling in love with her and the dilemma begins.

This film is for both men and women. On one side you have the woman who is desperate to find love and then you have the typical man who only cares about one thing ... sex! Put them together and you get an incredibly funny movie. The humour is a mix of witty one liners and cringe worthy moments.

Katherine Heigl does what she does best in this movie, it's her typical movie role and she pulls it off as always, whilst always looking stunningly beautiful, may I add. Gerard Butler, on the other hand, is stepping away from his usual macho roles and takes a different direction and he does it quite well. At the beginning of the film, I didn't like him much and thought the casting of him was wrong, but as the film progressed he acts the character well. He can do the vulgar "man-whore," but he can also do the sensitive guy who has just realised he is in love and he does it well.

This is your typical chick flick and if you like that sort of film you will probably love this film. The thing that makes it different is the humour and the fact that it talks about adult subjects and has expletives.

The problem with this film though, is that it lacks depth. The storyline is a bit bland and the conclusion of the film happens before anything has really happened in the film.

Overall, it's a good entertaining film, but it won't be nominated for any Oscars, so if you want a little fun, go see this movie, unwind and laugh until it hurts.

Автор рецензии: PeachyPies from United Kingdom


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