| Оригинальное название: Toys | Год выпуска: 1992 | Жанр: фэнтези, драма | Хронометраж: 118 мин | Производство: 20th Century Fox, Baltimore Pictures | Сайт фильма: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0105629/ | Страна: CША | Режиссер: Барри Левинсон / Barry Levinson | Актеры: - Робин Уильямс / Robin Williams ... Leslie Zevo - Джоан Кьюсак / Joan Cusack ... Alsatia Zevo - Майкл Гэмбон / Michael Gambon ... Lt. General Leland Zevo - Робин Райт Пенн / Robin Wright Penn ... Gwen Tyler - LL Кул Джей / LL Cool J ... Captain Patrick Zevo - Дональд О`Коннор / Donald O'Connor ... Kenneth Zevo - Деби Мейзар / Debi Mazar ... Nurse Debbie - Джек Уорден / Jack Warden ... Old General Zevo - Джейми Фокс / Jamie Foxx ... Baker - Шелли Десаи / Shelly Desai ... Shimera - Блейк Кларк / Blake Clark ... Hagenstern |
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«Laughter is a state of mind»
Никто не любит игрушки так, как Лесли Зиво. Он сам их придумывает и тестирует на фабрике своего отца. Внезапно отец Зиво умирает, и самая большая компания по производству игрушек в стране переходит по наследству к дяде Лесли — армейскому генералу. Как оказалось, у дяди свои планы в отношении семейного бизнеса. Злобный генерал собирается наладить производство миниатюрной военной техники. Теперь Лесли предстоит сделать все возможное, чтобы отстоять фабрику от посягательств своего злобного родственника-милитариста.
One of the most underrated movies of all time It's hard to think of a movie that divides its audience as deeply as "Toys" does. Few people will say this movie is "fair." Instead, people often call it the best movie ever made or the worst... and they mean it! Even its severest critics grudgingly admit that it's visually stunning and has perhaps the best soundtrack of the decade ("Happy Worker" is a classic, and "At the Closing of the Year" is, in my opinion, the best Christmas song written in the past 30 years). It's clearly Oscar-worthy in the categories of music and set design. Most people who've seen it agree that Joan Cusack's quirky characterization is wonderful and that the vignettes provided Robin Williams with a springboard for some of the best ad libs of his career. And the story, a whimsical fable of innocence versus corruption, is as unlikely to give offense as any you can name. So, you'd expect the movie's critics to say "I didn't care for it," instead of "Everyone associated with this movie should be ashamed!" When I like something and others don't, I hesitate to say they don't "get it," but in the case of "Toys," it really is true. It's no coincidence that many visual references to the work of Rene Magritte keep popping up. "Toys" is a surrealist movie, and like any work of surrealism, it has a simple veneer over a more sophisticated message, one that defies explanation and works on the level of a dream. This movie is more "Mulholland Drive" than "Willie Wonka." Whether you will like this movie depends entirely on how your mind works. Poets will probably love it. Engineers will probably hate it. Автор рецензии: RingoZeitgeist from United StatesАфиша |