| Оригинальное название: Enter the Dragon | Год выпуска: 1973 | Жанр: боевик, триллер | Хронометраж: 99 мин | Производство: Warner Bros. Pictures Co., Sequoia Productions, Concord Productions Inc. | Сайт фильма: http://www.us.imdb.com/title/tt0070034/ | Страна: США, Гонконг | Режиссер: Роберт Клауз / Robert Clouse | Актеры: - Брюс Ли / Bruce Lee ... Lee - Джон Сэксон / John Saxon ... Roper - Кьень Ши / Kien Shih ... Han - Ана Капри / Ahna Capri ... Tania - Анджела Мао / Angela Mao ... Su Lin - Джим Келли / Jim Kelly ... Williams - Роберт Уолл / Robert Wall ... Oharra - Боло Йенг / Bolo Yeung ... Bolo - Бетти Чюн / Betty Chung ... Mei Ling - Джефри Уикс / Geoffrey Weeks ... Braithwaite - Хо Ли Ян / Li Jen Ho ... Old man - Марлен Кларк / Marlene Clark ... Secretary - Аллан Кент / Allan Kent ... Golfer - Джеки Чан / Jackie Chan ... Thug in Prison - Рой Чяо / Roy Chiao ... Shaolin abbott - Мики Карузо / Mickey Caruso ... Los Angeles cop |
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«Their deadly mission: to crack the forbidden island of Han!»
События переносят нас на остров, превращенный в крепость главарем боевиков, открывшим там школу боевых искусств, которая является лишь ширмой, маскирующей контрабандный бизнес. В эту цитадель проникает герой Брюса Ли и становится участником жестокого турнира…
«Вы́ход драко́на» (или «В бой вступа́ет драко́н»; но в точности название переводится как «Приход дракона» или «Вступить в роль дракона») — один из лучших кинофильмов с Брюсом Ли. Рекомендуется просмотр детям и подросткам, так как является важнейшим средством физического и нравственного воспитания. Классика кино о единоборствах. Фильм переводится точно как «Вы́ход драко́на», так как в английском языке термин "Enter the..." применяется в пьесах и сценариях для обозначения появления персонажа. Например, "Enter the waiter" - "Входит официант".
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Lee: You have offended my family and you have offended the Shaolin Temple.
Williams: Mr Han, suddenly I wish to leave your island.
Han: It is not possible.
Williams: Bullshit, Mr. Han-man.
Lee: Don't think. FEEL. It is like a finger pointing away to the moon. Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all that heavenly glory.
Shaolin Abbot: The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.
Han: Gentlemen, welcome. You honor our island. I look forward to a tournament of truly epic proportions. We are unique, gentlemen, in that we create ourselves. Through long years of rigorous training, sacrifice, denial, pain, we forge our bodies in the fire of our will. But tonight, let us celebrate. Gentlemen, you have our gratitude.
Oharra: You must attend the morning ritual in uniform.
Roper: A man's strength can be measured by his appetites. Indeed, a man's strength *flows* from his appetites.
Han: The battle with the guards was magnificent. Your skill is extraordinary. And I was going to ask you to join us.
Still a classic three decades later Long held to be the grand-daddy of all martial arts films, Enter the Dragon was recently re- released on DVD with the full treatment – digital restoration, a few short scenes added back in, and interviews with all of the surviving cast, plus some extras about the film and a few interviews with Bruce Lee. Most of you have probably already seen it, as it's thirty years old, but even though the film is almost absurdly steeped in the 70s, it still holds up remarkably well. Aside from dangerously wide lapels and some corny era-related dialogue (most notably delivered by Jim Kelly, the film's only African American). Enter the Dragon still delivers the same powerful punch it did three decades ago. Of course, back then, it was merely the best martial arts film. Now, however, it is the chief testament to the grace and skill of Bruce Lee, and the only one of his four films that he had any sort of creative control over – and you can see the difference between this and his Hong Kong films easily. Lee does a Tony Danza and plays Mr. Lee, a shao-lin warrior who is recruited by a foreign government (it's assumed to be the English but is never explicitly stated) to infiltrate the island of a megalomaniac martial artist named Han (Kien Shih) who holds tournaments to find the best martial artists in the world. And because that's not enough motivation, it's also revealed that Han's bodyguard, Oharra (Robert Wall) killed Bruce's sister three years ago. So, like every Lee movie, there is a personal vendetta involved, and like every Lee film, Bruce's character asks forgiveness from his family for the deadly violence he is about to unleash. Along for the ride are gamblaholic Roper (John Saxon) and ghetto survivor Williams (Kelly). The plot seems like a contrivance now, but that was before it was copied to death in the last three decades. It's actually a plausible and somewhat clever excuse to show people what they came to see – Bruce Lee repeatedly kicking butt. From the opening fight scene (against Sammo Hung) through the fabulous finale where Lee single-handedly takes on half the island, the movie is a joy to watch on the physical level. It's the world's greatest martial artist at his peak, in a showcase perfectly designed for him. It was an ideal if unintentional shrine to the man. Lee is not merely content to let us watch him bash people, though; some of his philosophy penetrates the movie, which is probably the real reason why Enter the Dragon has stayed so fresh so long. Lee talks about spirituality with a young charge and even gives us an amusing and illustrative lesson in his 'art of fighting without fighting' – which is the credo of any real warrior. Lee also shows us the flip side; the show-offs and power-hungry who are only in it for the physical and material advantage. He takes care to show us how debased they are before dispatching them, however. While Saxon and the rest of the cast are perfectly acceptable (Jim Kelly overdoes it a bit, but oddly that fits the film), Lee is terrific in this piece. Bruce Lee was a riveting performer and nowhere is that better demonstrated than in this movie. It's a testament to his legacy that three decades later, no one has come close to his skill, and people are still stealing ideas from him (Kill Bill, etc.). It gives one pause while watching Enter the Dragon to think of just what Bruce Lee could have accomplished had he lived. I suppose those who don't like martial arts wouldn't care for this film, but I've seen it convert even unbelievers before. Lee is that good, and that charismatic, that you can't help but be drawn to him. Certainly his greatest film is worth checking out again on this spiffy new re- release. Even if you're not the biggest martial arts fan, how often do you get to check out a legend at the top of his game? Автор рецензии: (oshram@aol.com) from ClevelandАфиша |