| Оригинальное название: Exit to Eden | Год выпуска: 1994 | Жанр: комедия, мелодрам | Хронометраж: 113 мин | Производство: Savoy Pictures | Сайт фильма: http://www.us.imdb.com/title/tt0109758/ | Страна: США | Режиссер: Гэрри Маршалл / Garry Marshall | Актеры: - Пол Миркурио / Paul Mercurio ... Elliot Slater - Рози О`Доннелл / Rosie O'Donnell ... Sheila Kingston - Дэн Эйкройд / Dan Aykroyd ... Fred Lavery - Дана Дилэйни / Dana Delany ... Lisa Emerson - Гектор Элизондо / Hector Elizondo ... Dr. Martin Halifax - ?ман / Iman ... Nina Blackstone - Стефани Нижник / Stephanie Niznik ... Diana - Шон О`Брайан / Sean O'Bryan ... Tommy Miller - Сандра Тейлор / Sandra Taylor ... Riba - Элисон Мойр / Alison Moir ... Kitty - Дебора Прэтт / Deborah Pratt ... Dr. Allison - Джеймс Патрик Стюарт / James Patrick Stuart ... James - Риал Эндрюс / Réal Andrews ... Andre |
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«To crack this case, these two cops will have to flash more than their badges.»
Вслед за журналистом Эллиотом, случайным обладателем единственной улики, которая находится в его фотоаппарате, детективы и дуэт «подследственных» преступников отправляются в самое фантастическое путешествие их жизни на экзотический тропический курорт — остров Рай, где все болезни лечат… нет, не спортом, а сексом и только сексом.
?, под «чутким руководством» хозяйки секс-рая госпожи Лиз, осуществляются самые разнузданные эротические фантазии и желания.
Garry Marshall, you are a dirty old man As one reviewer pointed out, the film is neither good or bad. I think the problem lies mainly in the marketing. Like many people who viewed this film, I thought it would be a comedy. It is, to a degree. Judging by the subject matter, I knew "Exit" would be at least somewhat risque, but since I found out Garry Marshall directed it, I assumed it would be tastefully done with little or no nudity. After all, this is the guy who directed films like "Runaway Bride" and "The Princess Diaries," and I think he produced "Laverne and Shirley." Naturally, I wasn't expecting softcore porn! Maybe this isn't an EXACT clone of a late night movie on Cinemax, but it comes pretty close. I guess I would compare this with certain adult comedies like "The Bikini Carwash Company" and "Beauty School." I was entertained and stimulated by some of the nude scenes, and I never knew Dana Delaney had such an AWESOME body! I will never look at her the same ever again! And you've got the handsome Aussie, Paul Mercurio, so there's something for the guys and gals to enjoy. Unfortunately, I kept waiting for something funny to happen and my patience was running low. Many people think of Rosie O'Donnell as an annoying you-know-what, but that's because many of those people didn't know her until she started doing her talk show. I watched her show sometimes, but I admit there were times where I just wanted to slug her. But she was putting on a sing-songy, G-rated persona for the show. I've seen her one of her stand-up acts on television, and quite a few words had to be bleeped. So trust me, she doesn't have the same clean-cut persona you've seen in her talk show. And she does have a reasonable amount of talent as a comedienne, which is why I wanted to check out the film in the first place. At times she's funny, at times she's not, due to faulty writing and forced comic timing. Dan Aykroyd has a few funny moments as well, but also seems humiliated to be in this movie. Don't expect the same high-energy, manic Aykroyd performance he usually delivers. "Exit to Eden" works out well as softcore porn, but doesn't totally deliver as a comedy. The film would've worked out better, if it didn't suffer from this identity crisis. Автор рецензии: MovieLuvaMatt from New JerseyАфиша |