| Оригинальное название: Nine to Five | Год выпуска: 1980 | Жанр: комедия | Хронометраж: 110 мин | Производство: Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation, IPC Films, 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment (USA) (DVD) | Сайт фильма: http://www.us.imdb.com/title/tt0080319/ | Страна: CША | Режиссер: Колин Хиггинс / Colin Higgins | Актеры: - Долли Партон / Dolly Parton ... Doralee Rhodes - Джейн Фонда / Jane Fonda ... Judy Bernly - Лили Томлин / Lily Tomlin ... Violet Newstead - Дэбни Коулмен / Dabney Coleman ... Franklin M. Hart Jr. - Эрл Боэн / Earl Boen ... Mr. Perkins - Мэриан Мерсер / Marian Mercer ... Missy Hart - Рен Вудс / Ren Woods ... Barbara - Норма Дональдсон / Norma Donaldson ... Betty - Пегги Поуп / Peggy Pope ... Margaret Foster - Ричард Стал / Richard Stahl ... Meade - Алан Хофрект / Alan Haufrect ... Chuck Strell - Майкл Делано / Michael Delano ... Motorcycle Cop - Барбара Чейз / Barbara Chase ... Buffy - Дэвид Прайс / David Price ... Josh Newstead |
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«The power behind the throne»
Три разозлённые секретарши — Джуди, Дорали и Вайолет — решают устранить (хотя бы на время) своего нудного шефа, инсценировав его смерть, а на самом деле заключив под домашний арест. Пользуясь моментом, они наводят на работе совершенно иной порядок, наиболее удобный каждому из служащих.
Памятные цитаты:
Violet: He wants to prosecute.
Doralee: Well why wouldn't he? He's got you for poisoning him, and me for roping him, and *YOU* for acting like he was first prize at a turkey shoot!
Doralee: You know... I just don't get it, Dwayne.
Dwayne Rhodes: What's that, honey?
Doralee: I'm as nice as I know how to be to every single person in that office. Everyone treats ME like a... BASTARD at a family reunion.
Violet: What are you, a man or a mouse? I mean, a woman or a wouse?
Doralee: Well, I say we hire a couple'a wranglers to go upstairs and beat the shit out of him.
Dick Bernly: So! This is what you're into now! Bondage!
Judy: What's that?
Dick Bernly: Bondage, S&M, sex games!
Judy: That's right! All of it, I'm into everything, now get out of here!
Dick Bernly: Who was that guy?
Judy: He's my boss.
Dick Bernly: Your boss! You're having an affair with your boss, isn't that typical!
Judy: Just like you had an affair with your secretary!
Dick Bernly: But, Judy, you can't do this! This isn't you!
Judy: Don't you tell me what I can or can't do! Those days are over! And if I want to have an affair, or play sex games, or do M&M's, you can't stop me!
Dick Bernly: M&M's?
Violet: [sees Roz approaching] Uh oh... here comes General Patton.
Janitress at Hospital: [seeing the corpse hidden in the bathroom, sitting in a wheelchair] Hey, Vera. We've got another stiff in the john.
Roz Keith: [departing for a bogus journey to learn French, reading from a manual] Bonjour... bonjour... bonjour! Hmmm.
[while conversing with a candy-striper, Violet realizes the coat she's stolen is a doctor's]
Violet: I'm a doctor. So why the hell am I talking to you? Piss off.